Do you prefer sex? Or making love? Or better yet baby making love? Is there really a difference between sex and making love? If so what is it?
Ok don't answer that...Stop with your gross details!
But seriously. What are the rules nowadays about when is the "right time" to have this type of intimacy with a partner. I would think that by the time you marry your partner both parties should be more than ready to engage in sexual activity the night of. But... What if you just got married to a stranger. You're now husband and wife, so should you consummate the marriage the first night?
In Married At FIrst Sight, 2 out of the 3 couples felt that instant physical chemistry the second they saw each
other. Both Davina & Sean and Jessica & Ryan D. knew
the specialists had done the job right matching their physical preferences
when they saw each other. There was no doubt
the physical attraction was there. Even
with the physical attraction being there however,
they were certain they would not consummate the marriage.
It was too soon for them, well for the women. The men, of course, had
other thoughts. They were completely down to do whatever, whenever. Fast forward to the morning after and Ryan D confirmed Jessica and him had intimacy. They felt connected in more ways than one so they did what felt right.
I can agree with that in so many ways. There isn't a "right time" for everything. Sometimes things just happen when you least expect them to. It's part of life. I don't think everything should be planned out and followed according to "the plan". I think it's perfectly okay and I encourage others to do things at their own pace. Even if it's not the norm with society or your culture. If it feels right and it makes you happy then by all means do it! Whether that's with sex, love, careers or even marriage.
I can agree with that in so many ways. There isn't a "right time" for everything. Sometimes things just happen when you least expect them to. It's part of life. I don't think everything should be planned out and followed according to "the plan". I think it's perfectly okay and I encourage others to do things at their own pace. Even if it's not the norm with society or your culture. If it feels right and it makes you happy then by all means do it! Whether that's with sex, love, careers or even marriage.
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